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Magda Kaczmarska, MFA

Magda Kaczmarska, MFA Profile Photo

Founder, DanceStream Projects

MAGDA KACZMARSKA, MFA is a dance artist, researcher, Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health, and a fierce
advocate for dance as a catalyst for brain health. She brings 20 years of experience as a dance artist and 10 years of experience in preclinical neuropharmacology research to inform arts and health intervention innovation, design, and implementation specifically within the field of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, brain health, and creative aging.

Magda founded and currently serves as the executive director of the arts and health non-profit, DanceStream Projects which is based in New York City and has a mission to spark brain health and build creative community through dance and movement.

Through DanceStream Projects, Magda created several award-winning programs which apply evidence-informed approaches to extend brain health to older adults and people living with dementia through co-creative dance.

Dec. 18, 2024

Creative Aging: Dance as a Tool for Brain Health with Madga Kaczmarska, MFA

In this episode, we welcome Magda Kaczmarska, a dance artist, neuropharmacology researcher, and executive director of Dance Stream Projects, a nonprofit that promotes brain health through dance. Magda shares her journey from ...